As of May 2018, we have updated several of our policies to take into account the implications of the new GDPR (effective May 25th 2018). In the near future we will be planning a website redesign, but in the interim these policies will be available via the links below and may be updated from time to time in line with changes in regulations, our solutions and/or our working practices.
We have also included an additional document which summarises how our solutions can assist clubs in meeting GDPR compliance, and some advice on information which our clubs should include in their own GDPR policies.
This document outlines our approach to management of your club data, what data we hold in our Smart Club Cloud and occasions when we may access, share or process your club or membership data.
It also provides some advice on how our solutions can assist your club with GDPR, and suggests how you might include reference to Smart Club Solutions within your own Club GDPR policy.
We also explain our approach to data management from interested parties, Direct Marketing and general data retention and terms.
Click here to access the Business Privacy Policy.
This document outlines our responsibilities and our approach to GDPR in relation to member data and our Smart Club Cloud.
Here is the GDPR Policy & Cloud User Agreement.
Our Security Policy is eluded to in the previous two documents. Here we provide more detail on our approach to Security across a range of areas including our company approach to security and security in our Hosting, Backup and Cloud processing arrangements.
Click here to read our Security Policy.
This policy sets out how Smart Card Applications Limited uses and protects any information that you give Smart Card Applications Limited when you use this website.
You can read our Website Privacy Policy here.
This document provides summary advice on how our solutions can assist clubs with GDPR as well as detailing the type of information which our clubs might include in their GDPR policies in relation to Smart Club Solutions.
Click here to find out more about how Smart Club helps with GDPR.